To get personalized support for Spruce Up for Apple Vision Pro, please tap on the little “speech bubble” 🗯️ icon in the lower-right ↘️ of this page, but I highly encourage you to read through the FAQ items below to help with your issue and learn new things about what Spruce Up can do!

Support FAQ

Here’s some tips and fixes for common issues:

How do I drag out a Collectable from the window?

Make sure you are pinch and holding your fingers closed as you look with your eyes at the Collectable you want, then pull it out of the window with your hand. Same as any other app on Apple Vision Pro, you can look at the window bar below the Collectable to pinch and drag, positioning it anywhere.

How do I re-size a Collectable?

Looking at the item, use both hands to pinch. You can then pull your hands apart to increase the Collectable’s size, or move them closer together to make it smaller.

How do I rotate a Collectable?

Once a Collectable is in place, ensure you are not looking at the bottom bar and pinch/drag, the object should rotate in place. Note: Collectables always snap back to what’s called the “ground plane” to assist in integrating it on to the flat surfaces of your space.

How do I remove a Collectable from my space?

Look at the close button to the left of the window bar below the Collectable and tap with your fingers, just like any other app on Apple Vision Pro! You can bring it back from the Spruce Up app at any time (hint: try pulling out multiples of the same Collectable for new possibilities in decorating and design!)

How do I get access to new Collectables each week?

If the App Store does not update your apps automatically or if you have it set to only update apps manually, go to the App Store and manually tap update on Spruce Up to get access to all currently available Collectables. You’ll be able to see a list of what was added that week under the What’s New section of the App Store.

Known Issues

  • Occasionally the Spruce Up app will hang when attempting to pull a Collectable from the window, and closing/re-opening the app from the Home Screen does not resolve it. This issue is inconsistent and, therefore, I am still diagnosing it; however, I recommend trying to Force-Quit Spruce Up by holding down both the Digital Crown and the Top Button for 2 seconds and using the list that appears, or uninstalling/re-installing Spruce Up (this will not cause any data loss)
  • All Collectables at this time will be labelled as “Universal Scene Description Package.” This issue is consistent but I have not been able to diagnose it, and will continue to look into it as visionOS matures.